1. We are mentally tough
The only person you can count on to stand up for you is yourself, so you bet we are mentally strong. We don't mind if you mess with us, in fact, we usually appreciate it, but just know we will throw something back at you. Also, if you hurt our feelings don't expect us to ever break down and cry in front of you or even tell you that you hurt our feelings.
2. We love the outdoors
Fishing and hunting is a way of life. Whether we are actually out on the water, sitting in the tree, or just discussing where the fish are biting with other fellow fishermen. Any day is a good day to fish, and venison is the only way to go.
3. We aren't afraid of work
We learn the value of every dollar, and every dollar saved is one step closer to future financial security. People seem to think that all a daddy's girl has to do is ask for money or whatever she wants and dad will just fork it over. That is one of the biggest misunderstandings. Our fathers have lectured us multiple times about preparing for the future, saving money, and working hard, after all, they only want us to be successful.
4. We have high standards
Sometimes it feels like we are never going to meet a guy who fits our standards because our father is the most amazing man we have ever known, and our fathers have taught us exactly how we deserve to be treated and the actions of a real man who really cares.
5. We enjoy hanging out with the guys
Hanging with guys is no different, and honestly a lot more enjoyable than hanging out with most girls. It is easier for us to talk to guys, it is easier for us to joke around and throw insults back and forth. Less drama and laid back, that's how we like it. Also, we don't understand why some girls are intimidated to talk to guys, yeah they are usually bigger but that's about the only difference in our eyes.
6. Dad must approve of the guy we pick
Receiving our fathers approval on a guy is the important thing. Once we decide we like your personality we ask ourselves "would dad approve" and begin comparing you to our father to make sure you are "man enough". Of course, we want our mother to like the guy we bring home, but if dad does not approve of him he's gone.
7. We know the proper way throw a baseball or football
We've never been laughed at or been corrected while throwing a football or baseball because dad taught us the right way. We also might receive comments such as, "wow you have an arm" or " you can catch that ball better than most guys". That's because dad taught us to never be afraid of the ball and always keep our eye on the ball.
8. We learned right from wrong
We learned right from wrong real fast because when we did do something wrong dad gave us yet another the nice, but very stern lecture about what the right thing would have been to do in that situation. Trust us, we will not make the same mistake again.
9. We know who we are and will not change for anyone
Be yourself. Dad taught us if someone doesn't like you for who you are oh well, there's plenty of people out there who will. Also, if you can't be your complete self around a guy that's a red flag too, another reason our standards are so high.
10. We are physically tough
We have been brought up to not only be mentally tough, but physically tough as well. So you get hurt, is there perfuse amount of blood? No. Then suck it up you're fine. Can you see any parts of a bone? No. Good, rub some dirt on it, you're fine. No one likes a cry baby. That chick just pulled your hair during the soccer game, no worries I'll kick you in the shin next time you get close enough, eye for an eye, there is nothing wrong with being a bit aggressive sometimes.
Until next time,